Channel: The Z-Issue »» personal freedoms
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You can’t handle the truth!

One would assume that, because of the title of this entry, that I’m going to discuss the amazing movie that is A Few Good Men, but that is not the case. Instead I’m going to ramble on about something I...

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Tony Pugliese and Alex Mancuso on North Carolina’s proposed gay marriage ban

Today on the North Carolina news station WRAL-5, my cousin Anthony Pugliese and his partner, Alex Mancuso, were interviewed regarding the proposed amendment to ban gay marriage across the state. The...

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Thailand Day 2: Shutdown Bangkok, protests, and temples

Today, we woke up a little earlier than anticipated, and decided to get going on our second day in Bangkok. I had planned on visiting several temples throughout the day, since they are such a huge part...

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Veteran’s Day is one of uncertainty

Today, 11 November, is an interesting holiday in the United States. It is the day in which we honour those individuals who have served in the armed forces and have defended their country. I say that it...

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Is this what humanity has become?: A brief look at the Syrian Refugees

Warning!This post has some horribly saddening photos that are difficult to see. Also, as it is political in nature, it also contains my own personal viewpoints. My goal was not to offend, but to offer...

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